The Wiz Lite - Add-In for 32-bit VB4 Turn 'Word Wrap' on... Thank you for downloading 'The Wiz Lite'. In the zip archive you should find seven files. These are... README.TXT (this file) WIZLITE.EXE (the executable) WIZLITE.HLP (the help file) PREVIEW.EXE (preview of the full version) 001.HLP (preview data) 002.HLP (preview data) REMOVEWIZLITE.BAT (batch file to de-register the add-in) INSTALLATION 1. Un-zip all seven files to the C:\Program Files\Wiz Lite\ subdirectory. 2. Using the Win 95 Explorer or "My Computer" (yuck!), access WIZLITE.EXE and double-click on the file. The application will start and then immediately close down, but it will have registered itself in the System registry. 3. Start up VB4 and click on the 'Add-Ins' menu option. Choose 'Add-In Manager' and check the box next to the entry which says 'The Wiz Lite'. Click 'OK'. 4. Click on the 'Add-Ins' menu option again and you should see an entry for 'The Wiz Lite' this time. Click on 'The Wiz Lite' and the new add-in will load. 5. Click on the 'Lifebelt' icon for help on how to use 'The Wiz Lite'. UNINSTALLATION The Wiz Lite creates no extra files on your system... just... 1. De-select 'The Wiz Lite' from the Add-Ins Manager. 2. Close VB4. 3. Run REMOVEWIZLITE.BAT. 4. Delete the \Wiz Lite subdirectory from your disk. 5. Finally, use a text editor to edit the [Add-Ins32] section of VB.INI and remove the line which reads "TheWizLite.Connector=0". All Done! Thank you for trying 'The Wiz Lite' - the program is yours to keep for as long as you find it useful. If you do, you may consider upgrading to the full version which will be available mid-July 1996, and offers an additional 8 functions for only $19 - that's just $1.50 per utility - no better value than that. Run PREVIEW.EXE for details of the full version. GO SWREG and search on 'THE WIZ' to register. If you have any comments or questions you can e-mail the author at Thank You.